FIR / IIR Filters

Finite and Infinite Digital Filters

A Digital Filter is a basic building block DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Systems.


Features List

  • Functions are C-callable
  • Designed for Multi-channel operation


Arm Devices Armv7-A Cortex-A8 / A9 / A15

ADT FIR/IIR is available on the above Platforms: Other configurations are available upon request.


NOTE: We specify MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) as MCPS (Millions of Instruction Cycles Per Second). Unless otherwise specified, peak MIPS are indicated.

↓  Click on links below to view specification tables. 

ARM Cortex-A8 / A9 / A15

All Memory usage is given in units of byte
FunctionMIPS per ChannelProgram MemoryData MemoryPer-Channel Data Memory
IIR* Filter2.43264644
FIR* Filter2128488196

*IIR Note: 

MIPS is based upon a 4th-order IIR filter, a frame size of 100 samples, 8 kHz sampling rate.

*FIR Note: 
MIPS is based upon a FIR filter of 93 filter coefficients, a frame size of 100 samples, 8 kHz sampling rate.


Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters 
IIR filters are digital filters with infinite impulse response, which have both poles and zeros. IIR filters typically meet a given set of specifications with a much lower filter order than a corresponding FIR filter. Therefore, generally IIR filters are more efficient in memory and computational requirements than FIR filters. A drawback of IIR filters is that they have non-linear phase responses.

Finite impulse response (FIR) filters 
FIR filters are also known as convolution filters, or moving-average filters because the output values of an FIR filter are described as a finite convolution. FIR filters have only zeros (no poles). FIR filters can have linear phase characteristics, which are desirable in many applications.

Function API's​

API function call summary

InitFIRFilter(…)                         FIRFilter(…)

InitIIRFilter(…)                         IIRFilter(…)

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